Colorfeel "Artic White"

Arctic White, which belongs to the Colorfeel collection, is the most immaculate model of the entire Neolith chromatic range. A pure white that transmits immense luminosity for an appearance of continuity.Arctic White is a safe bet as it can be used for a number of applications and can combine with any architectural element, offering an impeccable look to any setting.

Colorfeel "Avorio"

Avorio is included in the wide chromatic range offered by the Colorfeel collection with an ivory tone that is always in style.
The conceptual purity is achieved by reducing anything unnecessary without losing one bit of its sensitivity, evoking class and a sensation of harmony.

Colorfeel "Nieve"

The Nieve model in the Colorfeel collection offers an off-white color that is used to unify and give strength to the other colors in the Neolith chromatic palette.
This delicate tone provides freshness and luminosity for interiors and exteriors, rejuvenating any space.

Colorfeel "Perla"

The Perla model, which belongs to the Colorfeel collection, stands out due to the greyish white tone. A soft pearl grey like silk taken to its most beautiful expression.
Neolith Perla is perfect for use in any space where you want serenity and delicateness.

Colorfeel "Humo"

Humo is one of the most versatile colors in the Neolith Colorfeel collection which makes it the perfect ally for reforms and decoration in all different styles.
The Humo model may be perfectly combined with all types of spaces from the coldest and most harmonious to the warmest and most anxious.

Colorfeel "Nero"

The Nero model from the Colorfeel collection is a classic par excellence which best adapts to any style or trend. A symbol of elegance and sobriety, Nero disseminates sophistication in small and large rooms.
The right choice for a basic that remains unalterable over time due to its neutrality
Neolith Catalogs
Craglia Group contacts

The Craglia Group has been working in the stone industry since 1963, affirming itself in Italy and abroad for the great variety of marbles, granites, limestones, onyx and travertines from different countries around the world.

+39 045.6770444

Fax +39 045.6770035

Via dei Marmisti 29, 37010 - Pastrengo (Vr) Italy

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